Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More than just a game.

"Kid, you gotta have heart." Those five simple words were quietly uttered to me by a wise man many memories ago. As I'm standing here on this thin black line, those words flow freely through my soul. They are the one thing I am sure of as I step up to take possibly the last shot of my high school career. A bead of sweat falls down into my eye and a rush of unexpected intensity spreads across my body. This is it, there is one second left, I make this basket and we get another chance to redeem ourselves in overtime. The referee tosses me the ball, I go through ever step of the same routine I have always done. I close my eyes, memories flash before me, every second of my hard work has come down to this moment. My coach's reassuring, familiar voice is in the background with words of encouragement. I take the shot, and that beautiful swishing sound I have heard many times before echoes through my head. The crowd roars, and a smile becomes permanently etched upon my face. My team and I end up winning that game, my legacy ended with one last success. As I start walking off the court for my final time, looking around at this gym that I have lived in for the past four years, its dawns upon me what I'm about to leave behind. I grab the game winning ball and slowly head towards center court, gently placing it down. Salty tears are pouring down my face as I bid farewell to the game I fell in love with as a five year old girl. I start making my exit when I realize that with this end will just come another, graduating from this place that is like my second home. A surge of excitement and sadness overcomes me as I take off my basketball shoes, remembering all the things I have learnt and experienced while wearing them, knowing that those memories will live inside them forever.


  1. Great description words, really put me in the moment. Good work. :) <3

  2. I could really feel the scope and pressures of the game even though I have necer played. Great descriptions.

  3. I really felt the pressure of the shot on you and the memeories flashing by. Nice job Rachie
